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2006.01 베이스캠프 창업

2013.11 실패를 딛고 베이스캠프코리아로 재창업

2015.06 소공인 기술개발지원사업 선정_빗물전용물통 (소상공인시장진흥공단)

2016.11 장애인창업아이템경진대회 중소기업청장상 수상

2016.11 전국장애경제인대회 특허청장상 수상

2016.12 벤처창업대전 혁신적 실패사례 공모전 최우수상 (미래창조과학부장관)

2017.07 제품공정개선기술개발사업 선정_미세먼지방지용 패션마스크 (중소벤처기업부)

2017.11 주)베이스캠프코리아 설립 2017.10 창업도약지원사업 선정 유통아카데미_조립식물통 (창업진흥원)

2017.11 사회맞춤형 산학협력선도대학(LINC+)육성사업 선정 및 우수사례 발표

2017.11 창업도약지원사업 선정 수출아카데미_중국 CHTF 참석 (창업진흥원)

2018.09 벤처창업혁신조달상품선정(궁금이밴드) 조달청

2018.12 벤처창업혁신조달상품선정(조립식물통) 조달청.

2018.12 기술보증기금 기술인정.


2006.01 “Basecamp” foundation

2013.11 Overcome the failure and relaunched as “Basecamp Korea”

2015.06 Voted in Small Business Innovation Research Program_ rainwater bucket (Agency for Traditional Market Administration)

2016.11 Start up Item contest for disabled entrepreneur_ win small business administrator prize

2016.11 The national sports games for the disabled_ received Commissioner of the Korean Intellectual Property Office award

2016.12 Venture business establishing contest_innovative failure example competition_ awarded The grand prize (The minister of Science, ICT and Future Planning)

2017.07 Voted in the developing program for improving product process technology _fashion mask for preventing the fine dust[Ministry of SMEs and Startups(MSS)]

2017.11 Set up Basecamp Korea Corp.

2017.10 Voted in Supporting program for business and enterprise_ Distribution academy_ prefabricated water tank (Enterprise Development Agency)

2017.11 Voted in The development program for Social customized LINC+ univ. as well as presenting the best case

2017.11 Voted in The development program for enterprise to take off Export academy_ participated in CHTF China (Enterprise Development Agency)

2018.09 Voted in The innovative procurement product of venture business establishment(Gunggeumi band)_ Public Procurement Service

2018.12 Voted in The innovative procurement product of venture business establishment(prefabricated water tank)_ Public Procurement Service

2018.12 Loan commitment from Korea Technology Finance Corporation

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